Do you really need an E-Rate consultant when applying for an E-Rate grant? The E-Rate program could be a valuable source of funding for telecommunications and information services. However, the application process can seem so daunting that you may not want to attempt it alone. An E-Rate consultant can help you through the daunting process. If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy information services provider, contact Digital Service Consultants today.


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The Absolute Importance of an E-Rate Consultant in 2019



What Do E-Rate Consultants Do and Why Are They Important?

An E-Rate consultant can do a number of things to help you through the E-Rate process. They include:

Helping You Understand the Program: This program has a large number of complex regulations that you need to understand and then follow precisely in order for you to qualify for the assistance. Just being able to have a better understanding of the E-Rate program can be an enormous benefit on your school or library. A qualified E-Rate consultant should be well versed in all aspects of this program and they should be able to explain it to you in terms that you can easily understand.

Saving You Time by Doing the Application for You: The E-Rate program’s application process takes a significant amount of time to complete from start to finish – time that you or your staff probably don’t have to spare along with your regular duties. Not only can an E-Rate consultant save you time by doing the application for you, but they should be able to do it much faster than you could as they are more familiar with the process.




E-Rate consultants can properly fill out all of the required forms

Preparing the Necessary Letters and Filling in All the Necessary Forms: The paperwork involved in the E-Rate program is daunting. There are many forms required to apply, appeal, and get reimbursed, as well as letters that need to be drafted such as a Receipt Acknowledgement Letter (RAL) or a Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL). A qualified E-Rate consultant has the expertise to fill in all of these forms and complete any correspondence you will require.

Making Sure that You Comply with All of the Rules: An E-Rate consultant can ensure that your application fully complies with all of the regulations set out by the program. There are substantial penalties for non-compliance to these regulations. You want to make sure that you are not unintentionally at risk in case you are selected for a compliance audit.

Assisting You through an Audit: If you are selected for an audit, your E-Rate consultant can play a valuable role in helping you through that process. An E-Rate audit can be intimidating, so you want someone who is knowledgeable with the program and capable of answering any questions that might come up on your behalf.



 e-rate consultants

E-Rate consultants can help you through the intense application process


What Is an E-Rate Consultant?

An E-Rate consultant is someone who can help your school or library to understand and apply for the E-Rate assistance program. They are knowledgeable about the application process and should have previous experience with assisting other schools and library to successfully receive money through this program. Their role is similar to the roles that regulatory consultants have played for years in other fields such as Medicare with the Medicaid program.


What Is the E-Rate Program?

E-Rate is a program provided by the Universal Service Fund that offers schools and libraries in the United States discounts to help them get telecommunication and Internet access that they can afford. Eligible schools and libraries can receive discounts on telecommunications and Internet access services anywhere from 20 to 90 percent. Schools and libraries located in rural and low-income areas will receive higher discounts.

All elementary and secondary schools that fall under the definition outlined in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, as well as Libraries that are able to receive assistance from a state’s library administrative agency as outlined by the Library Services and Technology Act of 1996, are eligible to apply for this program. For further details on eligibility requirements, click here.


Get an overview of the E-Rate program and find out what is new



When Are the 2019 E-Rate Deadlines

The funding year for the E-Rate program goes from July 1 and ends on Jun 30. For the 2019 funding year that starts on July 1, 2019, you need to have your form 470, Competitive Bidding, submitted by February 2019. Form 471, Application to Request Discounts, needs to be filed between January 2019 and March 2019.


How Can DSC Help?

If your school or library qualifies for the E-Rate program, you will want to choose an internet provider that you can trust to give you the best service possible.  DSC has been in business for over 30 years in Georgia and has gained a well-deserved reputation for quality products and exceptional customer service. We will give your school or library top-notch Internet and IT services at an affordable rate.



Dsc consultants office small

DSC provides high quality, affordable IT services to schools and libraries



For the Best and Most Trusted IT Services – Choose Digital Services Consultants

If you qualify for the E-Rate program and are looking for best and most trusted information services provider possible, contact DSC. At DSC, we provide a full range of internet- related and cloud services including colocation hosting cloud backup, system monitoring, cloud storage for businesses, software hosting, dedicated email, website development and implementation, web hosting, e-commerce, security, and a variety of related products and services. We also provide network support for Linus, Microsoft server and workstation platforms, Fortinet firewalls, and Cisco Systems. DSC has been a trusted name in the IT industry in Atlanta for more than 30 years. Contact us today for all of your internet-related requirements.





Ashia R. Was extremely helpful and patient while working on everything. Always very knowledgeable and precise! This company is literally the best option out there! Top Notch customer service and actual service! Thanks for everything!
– Tommy & Amanda Rivera

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DSC has been a trusted name in the IT industry in Atlanta for more than 30 years


DSC Gives Back to the Georgia Community

DSC is proud to be part of a thriving Georgia community and we care enough about our community to want to give something back. That is why we started the “Next Generation” training days. During the training, our students learned about the history of CPUs and GPUs. The training focused on the performance and success of different models and brands and which ones excelled during their various time periods. You can access an audio recording of the training on the DSC website for free. Click here to listen to this informative podcast.