Effective September 10, 2003

Abuse of Digital Service Consultants systems is strictly prohibited. Digital Service Consultants reserves the right to terminate or modify service immediately upon abuse, and reserves the right to bill $500 per incident report for any resulting support charges if the client participates in behavior considered to be abuse. DSC also reserves the right to bill the offending customer at our standard rate of service for all hours spent handling abuse issues at our discretion. Digital Service Consultant’s considers the following to be a list of actions which are defined as abuse. This list is non-exclusive; any action about which there is any doubt should be referred to Digital Service Consultants for evaluation.
Actions which constitute abuse include, but are not limited to:

  • forging email or USENET posting header information;
  • sending large numbers of unsolicited mail messages (i.e. “junk mail”); this includes adding or attempting to add
    addresses to any mailing list without explicit positive consent of the addressee.
  • forwarding or posting “chain letters” (multiple forwarding);
  • forwarding or sending unsolicited email to addresses taken from web sites hosted on Digital Service Consultants Internet Service.
  • posting inappropriate messages to USENET newsgroups e.g., posting large numbers of unsolicited posts
    indiscriminately (“spamming”), or posting encoded binary files to USENET newsgroups not specifically named for that purpose;
  • attempting to cancel, supersede, or otherwise interfere with email or USENET posts other than one’s own;
  • engaging in harassment, whether through language, frequency, or size of messages;
  • using an account at another provider to promote an Digital Service Consultants Web site in an abusive manner;
  • using an Digital Service Consultants account or network connection to collect replies to messages sent from another provider which violate these rules or those of that provider;
  • reselling Digital Service Consultants services to third parties who do not abide by these guidelines.
  • Any activity or action taken to negatively affect the Internet connectivity of another host or network, regardless of provider, location or service. This includes, but is not limited to, “Denial of Service” (“DOS”) attacks of any kind, ping floods or other bandwidth-consuming attacks, attacks intended to forcibly disconnect another user (“Win Nuke” type attacks) or attacks intended to cause harm to another host.
  • Any activity that may be considered threatening to the security of another host or network. This includes, but is not limited to, network (ping) scans, port scans, any other probe designed to discover the services running on a host or network, any attempt to gain access to a host or network not expressly intended for public use or use by you specifically or any other activity that, in the determination of DSC, is of a similarly threatening nature.

Please report all spam to : abuse@dscga.com